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III John 2

"Beloved, I wish above all things that ye should prosper and be in health even thy soul prospers."


Cecilyn Duncan

I was privileged  to purchase 2 of Dr. Sonja's diabetes packages. My husband and I diligently  followed the 21 day meal plan. After 21 days his A1C went from a 9 in January to a 6. I was a borderline for years but now I am no longer. I thank God for this ministry.

Oct 31, 2023
Le and Tony Jeffs

My wife (Le) had stage 4 large B cell lymphoma double hit. A very fast growing form of cancer. We felt we needed to do chemotherapy as the doctors urgently recommended. After 2 week long treatments of chemo the cancer was completely gone. However my wife had a severe reaction from the chemicals in the chemo. She had severe inflammation in her lungs. She was in the hospital (ICU) for 12 days on heavy doses of steroids and antibiotics. Her lungs slowly healed.

All the chemo, steroids. antibiotics and other pharmaceuticals left her with borderline liver failure. The doctors were not able to help. Her Liver enzymes were extremely high. They told her to go home and not even take an aspirin or it could send her into liver failure. We then called Sonja @ Wellness Secrets and made an appointment to meet with her. Sonja prayed with us, listened to our story and recommended detox herbs and a juice cleanse. Within 3 weeks Le’s liver enzyme numbers went from extremely high to normal. Le has continued to detox every 3 to 4 months. Le is 18 months cancer free. We thank God for Wellness Secrets and Sonja’s help. We serve a loving Savior who cares for us.

Oct 31, 2023
Joksana Nicole Schneider

I’ve been feeling amazing the last few days and my skin looks it too. 

I ask that you guys don’t ever stop what you’re doing, God has gifted you with so much, I praise God for your beautiful work and ministry.  You get to witness and be apart of one of the best ways to bring people to Christ not only do you help heal people from the inside but get to help them heal on the outside as well. That’s beautiful. Not many doctors can brag about that!
You guys help many observe true health principles that drives and motivates them to Gods true will, so always remind yourself of that.

Nov 11, 2023


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